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Spiritual Healing

Spiritual Healing Sanctuary


Our Spiritual Healing Sanctuary is open every Tuesday from 11.00am to 1.30pm. Doors are usually open by 10.45am.


The entrance to the sanctuary is round the back of the church and through the first door on the right.

You will be offered a choice of Contact or Distant Healing. (with Distant Healing the healer sits beside you but does not touch you).

The Healing Team is also now available for healing from 5.15pm to 6.15pm every Sunday before the Divine Service. On Sundays, please come in the front door of the church and down the stairs.

Everyone is welcome to come for healing whether you attend the church services or not.

All healing enquiries please email:


Absent Healing


If you know someone who is in need of Spiritual Healing but is unable to attend the Healing Sanctuary, please enter their name in one of the Absent Healing Books, which are on the platform in the church and on the healing table in the sanctuary. Or you can write their name on a tag and hang it on the Absent Healing Tree in the sanctuary.  Don't forget  yourself and please include any animals too.


Please note, to help us meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) please write only the name of the person your request is for.


If you are unable to visit Norwich Spiritualist Church or Spiritual Healing Sanctuary, please email us at and we will be happy to add them.


Spiritual Healing is always freely given but if you would like to make a donation to help with our costs please contact us at the above email.

Norwich Spiritualist Church

07920 742238


Norwich Spiritualist Church, 10 Chapel Field North, Norwich NR2 1NY


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