
Healing is a very important part of our religion. Healing is an intelligent energy, please remember that healing will continue even after you have left the sanctuary.
Anyone can request absent healing, please contact us with a name and town, write in our healing book or hang a heart tag on our healing tree. No other information is required.
For all enquiries please email: norwichschealing@outlookl.com

Paper Stall
Our legendary ‘Paper Stall’ is open every Sunday,
and sells many interesting items including the Psychic News and Psychic World which can be ordered in advance and saved for you.
Books by Silver Birch, Emma Hardinge Britten, Harry Edwards, to name a few... there are also healing hands, cards, and all manner of items that can be purchased as gifts.
Our ‘Paper Stall’ is always worth a visit!

Sunday Divine Services
At the Sunday Divine Service the visiting Medium will talk on an aspect of Spiritual Philosophy followed by a Demonstration of Mediumship. Healing is a very important part of Spiritualism and during the Divine Service a healing prayer is said and we take a moment to send out our thoughts to ask for healing for everyone who is sick and suffering.
There is also singing of songs or hymns and usually a lot of laughter as this all helps to raise the energy and makes it easier for Spirit to come through.
Our doors are open on a Sunday from about 5.30pm so plenty of time to come in, have a chat, pick up information leaflets or visit the library. Services begin at 6:30pm, all are free but a collection is taken.
Tea, coffee and biscuits are served downstairs in the Healing Sanctuary after the service and all are welcome.

Learning & Development
At Norwich Spiritualist Church we are commited to providing the best tuition at affordable prices.
Workshops, Awareness Classes, Development Circles and an Open Circle are held regular through the year. To learn more please click the button below.

Naming Ceremonies (etc)
Are you looking for an alternative to a traditional church service but struggling to find one that suits you? Why not contact us about the services we offer! To name a few, we offer naming ceremonies which are a lovely alternative to Christenings. We also offer Blessing Services, Funeral Services and Wedding Services. Why not get in touch and find out if we can be of assistance to you?
Sometimes people come to our church for the first time not knowing what to expect, which is fine and all are very welcome, but if you haven't joined us for one of our services yet please read below for more information. If you are hoping to join us for the first time in the near future and would like a friendly face to see you in please give us a call and we'll be happy to arrange this. We ask all attendees of our services, old and new, to bring with them an open mind and heart as well as positive energy.